Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus 2008!

"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. " Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas everybody! This was the first year Elijah is really at a place where he understands more of what Christmas is all about. Last year he got super excited about gifts etc and it was fun to see his face but this year he was able to talk about it all with us so much more. We have just started our family tradition of celebrating Christmas by focusing on Jesus' birth and all that it truly means. Instead of making cookies for Santa we bake a cake for Jesus, instead of making a list for Santa we talked about some things Elijah would like and then explained to him (in the best way you can explain to a 2 year old) that there are some kids who couldn't get presents because of reason's they couldn't help and because of that we would get him some things he liked and then get something for someone who may not be getting anything for Christmas. We let him know that St. Nick was a real man and that Santa Claus was like him and the reason St. Nick gave boys and girls presents was to honor Jesus' birth. As he opened his presents Christmas morning we let him know that Jesus gave his life for us and in honor of His life we were getting him some fun stuff to play with to celebrate Jesus' Birthday. Zach and I both grew up in very different homes but both believed in Jesus, however the focus was not on Him. The focus was much more on holiday tradition, tree, lights, food, Santa Claus, and presents. We both decided we wanted our family to have a different approach and to start new traditions focusing on the the Christ of Christmas. Afterall it is HIS Birthday!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"And on earth PEACE, goodwill towards men!"

As we enter the Christmas season in full swing I find myself reading the story of our Savior's birth on an almost daily basis. One thing keeps standing out in my mind, the word Peace. So many times we consider peace to be situational or circumstancial. We believe that if everything is going great at home with our kids and our spouse, at our job, or with our friends that this is peace. Now don't get me wrong, there is a great level of peace when the world around us as individuals is at peace, but what about when it isn't? What then? Is our peace totally tied into the situations and circumstances around us? Because if it is then our peace will come and go like the wind. The peace I believe that the "Heavenly Host" in Luke chapter 2 are refering to goes much deeper than that. Look at what Philippians 4:6-7 says: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be known to God; and the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will gaurd your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Notice here the Peace of God doesn't nessicerally change our changes us! God is more concerned with what is going on on the inside of you than the outside. He wants to make sure our heart is right, our mind is right before he fixes the circumstances and situations surrounding our lives! Isaiah 26:3 says "You will keep him in perfect Peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trust You." This Christmas season I pray that our hearts and minds would be stayed on Jesus, the aurthor and finisher of our faith. That our trust would be in the Lord for all things. That peace would not be tied to situations and circumstances but that in the middle of the storm we would be a people who know who our God is and stand solid in the face of adversity. Good times come and go, and so do the bad. God is the only thing that stays the same, so this Christmas season focus on Him and the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding WILL gaurd your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!

-Pastor Zach